Pemeriksaan Golongan Darah Sistem ABO Metode Slide denganInkompatibilitas ABO - Gejala, penyebab dan mengobati - Alodokter

Merek: abo

abo   cakrabola login Golongan darah sistem ABO merupakan salah satu golongan darah terpenting secara klinis. Golongan darah ini merupakan salah satu model studi populer. PENENTUAN GOLONGAN DARAH SISTEM ABO DENGAN SERUM DAN REAGEN ANTI-SERA METODE SLIDE

cakrabola login Capillary blood sample was taken from 15 unrelated healthy people age 18-65 years old, who have discrepancies case 11 people and 4 people with normal ABO phenotype as negative control. ABO phenotype was identified using serological method with anti-A and anti-B serum. ABO genotype was identified using PCR-RFLP method. Blood samples were amplified using TransDirectTM Blood PCR kit using two primer pairs, ABO1 and ABO2. Amplicon of ABO1 primer (199bp or 200bp) was digested with KpnI enzyme. Amplicon of ABO2 primer (128bp) was digested with AluI enzyme. ABO genotypes were conclusively determined by examining the electrophoresis patterns of DNA fragments. Sistem golongan darah ABO digunakan untuk menunjukkan adanya salah satu, keduanya, atau tidak satu pun dari antigen A dan B dalam eritrosit.

nagabola login link alternatif Sistem golongan darah ABO ditentukan oleh ada atau tidak adanya antigen A dan B yang terekspresikan pada sel darah merah, serta ada atau tidak adanya antibodi A The analysis showed that direct PCR-RFLP method can identify the ABO blood group genotype. Overall controls have the corresponding phenotype and genotype. Three probandus have a different phenotype and genotype: P7 has A phenotype and AB genotype: P10 and P12 have A phenotype and AB genotype. This discrepancies caused by antigen anomaly, antibody anomaly, disorders, diseases, enviorenment, or ABO subgroup.

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