an nur ayat 31 jualan buah terdekat The female satar with respect to men is the entire body, excluding only the hand and the face, which should not be exposed before any other man, not even the Munasabah antar ayat. Al-Qur'an surat al-Nūr antara ayat 27 sampai dengan ayat 31 saling berkaitan. Ayat 27 menuntun orang-orang yang beriman agar tak
demo slot sweet bonanza Surah An Nur ayat 31 berisi perintah menutup aurat bagi wanita muslim. Ini penjelasannya. The female satar with respect to men is the entire body, excluding only the hand and the face, which should not be exposed before any other man, not even the
demo slot sweet bonanza Katakanlah kepada para perempuan yang beriman hendaklah mereka menjaga pandangannya, memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya (bagian A verse of the Qur'an commends the covering of aurat to maintain honor for women is stated in QS al-Nur : 31. However, there is a distortion of the main