[DOC] Vlog-ape1.docx - Diskominfo Jateng

extreme wide shot   extreme wide shot Extreme wide shot merupakan tipe shot yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah lingkungan dimana subyek film berada. Tipe shot ini seringkali dipakai untuk Long Shot Photography. Cinematography extreme wide shot.

extreme wide shot extreme wide shot' in any film making books, but I think 'wide shot' has too many variables. Therefore I'm breaking up wide shots into 'extreme wide shot,. Extreme Wide Shot, Extreme Long Shot - Camera shots, Camera angles, Camera movements.

extreme wide shot Wide shot adalah salah satu tipe shot yang dilakukan dengan menampilkan subjek secara menyeluruh. Simak jenis-jenis lainnya di artikel ini. shot types and angles and what they're used for. 1. Extreme long shot. First up we have the extreme long shot. Also referred to as an extreme wide shot, it

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