Penjelasan Medium Close Up Shot Dalam Pengambilan Gambar

medium shot   medium shot A medium long shot, also called medium full shot, is a shot that frames a character around the knees and up. This shot size falls between a tutorial medium shot. 6 views · 1 year agoore. ardi Ada. 303. Subscribe. 0. Share. Save.

medium shot - Download this Free Photo about Medium shot people using apps to make friends, and discover more than 49 Million Professional A medium shot usually contains one or more characters from the waist up, showing them in the context of their immediate surroundings. Medium shots are

medium shot 4. Menunjukkan Interaksi dan Hubungan Antar Karakter Medium shot sering digunakan untuk menampilkan interaksi antara dua atau lebih karakter. A medium shot frames a character from their waist up. It should be considered a personal shot, as it frames a character so it appears that the

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