shakehand grip shakehand grip Apa perbedaan antara penholder grip dan shakehand grip dalam permainan tenis meja? Apa perbedaan antara penholder grip dan shakehand grip Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
shakehand grip Teknik Shake Hand Grip mirip seperti orang berjabat tangan. Pegang raket sesuai dengan kebiasaan. Pegang raket dengan cara seperti berjabat This grip is similar to the shakehand shallow grip, but the hand is placed further up the handle towards the head of the racket.
shakehand grip Teknik shakehand grip adalah pegangan yang dilakukan seperti layaknya orang yang sedang berjabat tangan. The "shakehand" grip is the typical European type grip where the head of the racket faces up, and your hand looks like it's ready to shake a person's hand.