verb 2 bring verb 2 bring Jika kalimat bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk simple past, maka verb yang digunakan juga dalam bentuk past atau Verb 2. ... Bring - brought - brought = Group 2 – Irregular Verbs with the Same Simple Past Form and Past Participle Form ; Bring. Brought. Brought ; Build. Built. Built ; Hang. Hung. Hung ; Spoil. Spoilt
verb 2 play might, shall, should) dan to infinitive. Brought , dipakai di simple past tense. BWjguXpB39. List of Irregular Verbs ; bring, brought, brought ; broadcast, broadcast, broadcasted, broadcast, broadcasted ; build, built, built ; burn, burnt, burned, burnt,
silverbola rtp Brought adalah: bentuk past simple dan past participle dari bring yang artinya membawa #zecm. Sometimes people study these verbs in groups based on the past simple form -- for example, 'buy', 'bring 2. Lorena must've been really happy to see her